Matthew 7:17-18
But there were false prophets also amoung the people, even as there shall be false teachers amoung you who privaly bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that brought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction.
2 Peter 2:1

But there were false prophets also amoung the people, even as there shall be false teachers amoung you who privaly bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that brought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction.
2 Peter 2:1

I think one of the biggest lies that is fed to people in our country is the theory of evolution. I don't want to so much talk about the inconsistencies, flaws, and unbiblical basis of it, but rather, want to show how it has changed our country and what may come as a result. But to talk about those, I do have to explain some things about evolution.
I want to first point out that the theory of evolution is merely a "theory". When Charles Darwin wrote Origin of Species and Survival of the Fittest, he wrote it as a proposed theory, but did not claim it as fact and entertained the fact that it is flawed. He stated "Often a cold shudder has run through me and have asked myself whether I may have devoted myself to a fantasy". Since evolution is a theory, it cannot be disproved, but the evidences support creation over evolution, despite what is published. Creation is supported continually by what is found in the earth and we do not need to derive a theory as how something "might" have happened because it is consistent with special creation. When evolution observes the evidence, they have to develop a theory to explain it and oftentimes changes because the theory is flawed. Creationists and evolutionists have the same evidences to observe, but when the two have to explain the evidences, creationism is consistent. We have the same evidence to look at, but the question is what lens you are looking at through; Creation or evolution? This is our defining foundation to our beliefs. Whether you believe creation or evolution determines the rest of your beliefs. The major difference in these foundations is God's word vs. man's opinion.
Another issue with evolution is the lack of science. Scientists, and every other person who supports evolution, claim that evolution is scientific and that creationism does not follow science. However, it seems to be the opposite. To prove a scientific fact, the scientific process must be followed and when the hypothesis is not proven, a new hypothesis must be formed. With evolution, sometimes the hypothesis is disproved but still published as fact, or sometimes is disproved and every other following hypothesis is disproved. Simply put, the formation of the earth and origin of life cannot be observed. We cannot observe the past and hence, cannot classify the formation of life (or evolution of life) as science since the scientific process cannot be followed to test the hypothesis.
Creationism follows historical science. This is where we have written accounts of what happened by people who did observe it and use their observations to support our hypothesis. And when the evidences support our hypotheses based on historical accounts, it can be proved and considered fact. We cannot "prove" the Bible since it is not observable science, but when we look at the accounts in the Bible and the records, the findings support the text 100%, yet is considered "unscientific". Just because creationism isn't consistent with the modern idea of science, doesn't mean it is anti-science. The fact is that evolution is not scientific, but is claimed as a fact and if anything contradicts it, is considered unscientific. What we have is a flawed definition of science.
I don't want to talk about tall the flaws of evolution, or refute and debate, but rather explain what the belief leads to.
The general idea of evolution is that all life evolved from a simple, single-celled organism from a primordial soup and has "evolved" to survive. Darwin's theory of evolution does not deal with problem of the origin of life but rather on the evolving of the species, so the origin of life has been an accumulation of assumptions and ideas of people throughout the years. That is all that evolution is: assumptions.
There are multiple theories on the origin (and they continue to change), but one is the big bang theory. With this theory, out of pure chance, a "bang" happened and the universe spawned from it. And as time went along, over billions of years, single celled organism evolved into a life form which turned into some sort of sea creature who grew legs to crawl on land and over time evolved into apes, then humans. The exact formation is vague and inconsistent because there is no evidence, so it is constantly changing. The premise of this theory is that we all came from a singled-cell organism by accident, and this belief is dangerous.
Socialism and communism use evolution and atheism as it's religious and scientific basis. Out of these beliefs, we are just parts of the machine (society) and only exist to benefit the collective. Humanism also follows this foundation and claims that we just exist with no purpose or meaning. When we die, that's it. What does this all mean? If we are only here to add to society then die, or not have any meaning on earth, then why are we here? What is the purpose of living and what is keeping us from just offing ourselves? Do you see the problem?
You see, when we view human life as meaningless, it leads to a meaningless life. People go through life with the belief that they don't matter and won't make a difference. When life gets too hard to bear and we don't have a purpose here anyways, why not just commit suicide and end the suffering early. That's a large reason why we have such high depression and suicide rates. When you remove God from the picture and we evolved as an accident, what meaning does that have? As Christians, we know that we are created by God for a special purpose here on earth and when we die, will receive rewards for what we do, not to mention dwelling with our Creator for eternity! That gives us meaning, but without it, there is no purpose, we are not special, and there's no reason to thrive to do better because what will it matter?
If we are just a part of the society machine, what happens if we break and can no longer contribute to society? Just like any other machine, you throw away the broken part and replace it. When people can no longer contribute to society, they lose their purpose and there is no reason to keep them around. That is the basis for euthanasia. Modern day abortion was started by Margaret Sanger who lived during the Nazi regime. Her belief was that black people are inferior and cannot contribute to society, so if we kill the babies before they are born, that is less pollution. And speaking of which, that is why Hitler killed as many as he did. He saw them as an inferior "race" who couldn't contribute to the collective, so he killed them to better society. Abortion has evil roots and now the reasoning for abortion has changed. If we originated as a conglomeration of molecules that came together by chance, then when we are in the womb, when do we transition from a simple molecule into human life? If we are an organism that happened by chance and not created and designed by a Creator, then what is so wrong about killing an infant? If we start as an animal and evolve into a human, what is the difference between killing a fetus and killing a deer? Why not harvest human stem cells if it benefits the collective? If we are no more that advanced animals, why not have sex with whomever we want? And if sex is just a normal, polygamous act between mammals, what is wrong with pornography? If we don't have a purpose on earth, what's wrong with murder and suicide?
These are just a few examples of what happens to a world who believes that we are an accident without a special Creator. Chaos develops because our view of ourselves is meaningless. This is by no means, a comprehensive study of the effects of evolution on our world, but rather a taste in the hopes that you might research for yourself, the effect of evolution. Jeremiah 1:5 tells us "Before I formed thee in the belly, I knew thee...". We are also told in Ephesians, "For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto great works, which God hath ordained that we should walk in them. (2:10)" How great is it to know that we are not an accident, each created by a loving God who wants to have a relationship with us? How great is it to know that God knew us before we were even conceived? God tells us that we are fearfully and wonderfully made which makes abortion murder, no matter the trimester. And how great is it to know that we are not only created by God, but that God has a specific purpose for each person and wants us to fulfill that purpose? When we begin to believe evolution, we believe that we were not specially created by God, that there is no God, and that we don't have a reason to exist.
Some Christians believe that God created the earth then used evolution to develop it. But for evolution to take place means that there is a flaw in the life and it needs to change to survive. If that is the case, then God made mistakes in his creation. And if he made mistakes, he would not be God. The Bible is clear in Genesis that God created everything as it is intended to be in six literal days. It's when we start to rewrite the Bible that we get into trouble. Proverbs 30:5-6 says "Every word of God is pure; he is a shield to those who put their trust in him. Add thou not unto unto his words; lest he reprove thee and thou be found a liar." We are, likewise, told in Revelation "For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of the book, if any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book. and if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things that are written in this book. (20:18-19)" You see, one cannot simply believe the Bible and evolution. You cannot be a God fearing Christian and tolerate the evil absurdities that this theory brings.
I want to first point out that the theory of evolution is merely a "theory". When Charles Darwin wrote Origin of Species and Survival of the Fittest, he wrote it as a proposed theory, but did not claim it as fact and entertained the fact that it is flawed. He stated "Often a cold shudder has run through me and have asked myself whether I may have devoted myself to a fantasy". Since evolution is a theory, it cannot be disproved, but the evidences support creation over evolution, despite what is published. Creation is supported continually by what is found in the earth and we do not need to derive a theory as how something "might" have happened because it is consistent with special creation. When evolution observes the evidence, they have to develop a theory to explain it and oftentimes changes because the theory is flawed. Creationists and evolutionists have the same evidences to observe, but when the two have to explain the evidences, creationism is consistent. We have the same evidence to look at, but the question is what lens you are looking at through; Creation or evolution? This is our defining foundation to our beliefs. Whether you believe creation or evolution determines the rest of your beliefs. The major difference in these foundations is God's word vs. man's opinion.
Another issue with evolution is the lack of science. Scientists, and every other person who supports evolution, claim that evolution is scientific and that creationism does not follow science. However, it seems to be the opposite. To prove a scientific fact, the scientific process must be followed and when the hypothesis is not proven, a new hypothesis must be formed. With evolution, sometimes the hypothesis is disproved but still published as fact, or sometimes is disproved and every other following hypothesis is disproved. Simply put, the formation of the earth and origin of life cannot be observed. We cannot observe the past and hence, cannot classify the formation of life (or evolution of life) as science since the scientific process cannot be followed to test the hypothesis.
Creationism follows historical science. This is where we have written accounts of what happened by people who did observe it and use their observations to support our hypothesis. And when the evidences support our hypotheses based on historical accounts, it can be proved and considered fact. We cannot "prove" the Bible since it is not observable science, but when we look at the accounts in the Bible and the records, the findings support the text 100%, yet is considered "unscientific". Just because creationism isn't consistent with the modern idea of science, doesn't mean it is anti-science. The fact is that evolution is not scientific, but is claimed as a fact and if anything contradicts it, is considered unscientific. What we have is a flawed definition of science.
I don't want to talk about tall the flaws of evolution, or refute and debate, but rather explain what the belief leads to.
The general idea of evolution is that all life evolved from a simple, single-celled organism from a primordial soup and has "evolved" to survive. Darwin's theory of evolution does not deal with problem of the origin of life but rather on the evolving of the species, so the origin of life has been an accumulation of assumptions and ideas of people throughout the years. That is all that evolution is: assumptions.
There are multiple theories on the origin (and they continue to change), but one is the big bang theory. With this theory, out of pure chance, a "bang" happened and the universe spawned from it. And as time went along, over billions of years, single celled organism evolved into a life form which turned into some sort of sea creature who grew legs to crawl on land and over time evolved into apes, then humans. The exact formation is vague and inconsistent because there is no evidence, so it is constantly changing. The premise of this theory is that we all came from a singled-cell organism by accident, and this belief is dangerous.
Socialism and communism use evolution and atheism as it's religious and scientific basis. Out of these beliefs, we are just parts of the machine (society) and only exist to benefit the collective. Humanism also follows this foundation and claims that we just exist with no purpose or meaning. When we die, that's it. What does this all mean? If we are only here to add to society then die, or not have any meaning on earth, then why are we here? What is the purpose of living and what is keeping us from just offing ourselves? Do you see the problem?
You see, when we view human life as meaningless, it leads to a meaningless life. People go through life with the belief that they don't matter and won't make a difference. When life gets too hard to bear and we don't have a purpose here anyways, why not just commit suicide and end the suffering early. That's a large reason why we have such high depression and suicide rates. When you remove God from the picture and we evolved as an accident, what meaning does that have? As Christians, we know that we are created by God for a special purpose here on earth and when we die, will receive rewards for what we do, not to mention dwelling with our Creator for eternity! That gives us meaning, but without it, there is no purpose, we are not special, and there's no reason to thrive to do better because what will it matter?
If we are just a part of the society machine, what happens if we break and can no longer contribute to society? Just like any other machine, you throw away the broken part and replace it. When people can no longer contribute to society, they lose their purpose and there is no reason to keep them around. That is the basis for euthanasia. Modern day abortion was started by Margaret Sanger who lived during the Nazi regime. Her belief was that black people are inferior and cannot contribute to society, so if we kill the babies before they are born, that is less pollution. And speaking of which, that is why Hitler killed as many as he did. He saw them as an inferior "race" who couldn't contribute to the collective, so he killed them to better society. Abortion has evil roots and now the reasoning for abortion has changed. If we originated as a conglomeration of molecules that came together by chance, then when we are in the womb, when do we transition from a simple molecule into human life? If we are an organism that happened by chance and not created and designed by a Creator, then what is so wrong about killing an infant? If we start as an animal and evolve into a human, what is the difference between killing a fetus and killing a deer? Why not harvest human stem cells if it benefits the collective? If we are no more that advanced animals, why not have sex with whomever we want? And if sex is just a normal, polygamous act between mammals, what is wrong with pornography? If we don't have a purpose on earth, what's wrong with murder and suicide?
These are just a few examples of what happens to a world who believes that we are an accident without a special Creator. Chaos develops because our view of ourselves is meaningless. This is by no means, a comprehensive study of the effects of evolution on our world, but rather a taste in the hopes that you might research for yourself, the effect of evolution. Jeremiah 1:5 tells us "Before I formed thee in the belly, I knew thee...". We are also told in Ephesians, "For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto great works, which God hath ordained that we should walk in them. (2:10)" How great is it to know that we are not an accident, each created by a loving God who wants to have a relationship with us? How great is it to know that God knew us before we were even conceived? God tells us that we are fearfully and wonderfully made which makes abortion murder, no matter the trimester. And how great is it to know that we are not only created by God, but that God has a specific purpose for each person and wants us to fulfill that purpose? When we begin to believe evolution, we believe that we were not specially created by God, that there is no God, and that we don't have a reason to exist.
Some Christians believe that God created the earth then used evolution to develop it. But for evolution to take place means that there is a flaw in the life and it needs to change to survive. If that is the case, then God made mistakes in his creation. And if he made mistakes, he would not be God. The Bible is clear in Genesis that God created everything as it is intended to be in six literal days. It's when we start to rewrite the Bible that we get into trouble. Proverbs 30:5-6 says "Every word of God is pure; he is a shield to those who put their trust in him. Add thou not unto unto his words; lest he reprove thee and thou be found a liar." We are, likewise, told in Revelation "For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of the book, if any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book. and if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things that are written in this book. (20:18-19)" You see, one cannot simply believe the Bible and evolution. You cannot be a God fearing Christian and tolerate the evil absurdities that this theory brings.
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